Tuesday, August 12, 2008

best. mexican. food. ever.

Holy fucking shit.
Are you serious? I went to this place in the fucking GHETTO and I get this? There's a god damned salad on my plate. with onions. and dressing. .. yes, dressing.

They say you can judge a joint by its chimi. Well, in this case - good luck to all you other restaurants with making a plate of something which I wouldn't call pile of corn-wrapped afterbirth after I've chimigasmed at the mere thought of this fucking meal.


Nato said...

Dearest muffin,

Your nose is like a succulent new potato, plucked at the height of...er...the potato season!

Your secret Admirer

Unknown said...

you have a knack for finding the best in ghetto mexican places. i remember the first time we went to the place on Washington...5 minutes, and POOF! there it was....

Admin said...

what was this place?