Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Branding a Human pt. 2

Here's a link to the article:

Monday, December 8, 2008

Branding a Human.

So I've been approached by a journalist named Neal Taflinger about creating a brand/identity for his work as a writer.

Round 1 Favorite:

Sunday, November 16, 2008

This is shame.

Jerred brought this thing home:

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Sunday, September 21, 2008

aah moving.

How many times?

Great day for moving. The bromance begins.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Like a ghost.

Just wanted to say sorry for slackin on the posts. I've been contracting in carmel at Mediasauce.
Cool company - but with that and moving I've just been too slammed to write anything.

I'll be mobile posting more often now that I've finally figured of how topost with my phone.

More later.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Sunday, August 31, 2008

terre haute

k so I'm drunk .. End log.

Oh yeah. I got an iPhone. BOOSH!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


So I'm going to Nashville for 2 days.

I'll be back Thursday evening - I've just got to get some aaaiiiirr.
And finish this EP with Joel. Bros Helping Bros. No really, thats the name of the project.

Anyway - Yee haw see ya'll later.


So I went back to my old job today to sort things out. I'm leaving. As in I already left. Today. I wanted to put in my 2 weeks notice - but they just asked me to leave. We're all on good terms, tho. No worries.

They essentially demoted me to "graphic designer" and made a girl with about 1/8th of the experience I have my boss. Plus she knows nil about my job. But isn't that always the case?

Ah well - I might move to Nashville and live with joel. I'm a free man for the time being - we'll see how all this pans out.

Thanks for all the support guys!

much love

Monday, August 25, 2008

moving today.

fuck this is terrible. i hate moving probably more than anything in the world. i could make some analogy - but it wouldn't even come close to the horror this shit is.

anybody want to help? .... ? didn't think so haha.

Gary is coming to help.

Lesson: Don't call me at 9:30am ... I'll end up making you do a bunch of shit with me.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


i have been a disgruntled dick lately. sorry about that. no more! promise!


Monday, August 18, 2008

My Resume

Wow .. I really haven't had to have one of these in a while.

Here she is.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Interesting Link For Designers

This post was written for designers in the fields of music and apparel design - but I think it makes some really important points that apply to all fields. Check it out ya'll.

Here is a related post concerning pricing your work.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

please wake me up this must be a nightmare.

they told me to work more overtime to equal my raise.

no dollar figure - just work more.

They're sending me home. They want me to go find those places (which I have already found) that will pay me what I'm worth - and see how it stacks up to my job here. No hard feelings. They've actually suggested I take all of next week off to job search.

God this is horrible. Not even a DOLLAR raise?! For all this time and effort?

I still love them like family - this is a difficult situation for all involved.

Can they afford me? Can I afford to stay here? Can I give this place up and the job that I love?

Should I stay or should I go?

What I Do For the Same Wage as Production Artists

* Indicates Any Services Rendered by All Other Artists

In House Services:

1) Lead Designer
2) Creative Direction/Assistance
3) Marketing Development/Implementation
4) Logo/Brand Design & Development
5) Retail Apparel Design
6) Production Art Design *
7) Ad Design
8) Photography / Photo Art Direction
9) Photo Retouch / Post Production Editing
10) Resources Management (Textures/Brushes/Swatches/Styles etc.)
11) Sublimation Output/Production
12) Web Design/Management (HTML/CSS/Javascript)
13) Web Application Design/Managment (Actionscript/Javascript/Server-Side Technology)
14) Web Graphics Application
15) Animation (Flash/After Affects)
16) Audio Editing
17) Video Editing
18) Multimedia Design/Implementation (DVD Architecture)
19) Public Relations
20) Technical Support (Network/Software/Hardware)
21) Awesome Stories

Software Proficiency:

After Affects
Final Cut Studio
3DStudio Max

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

some times good - some times bad

Well - tomorrow at 9am I find out what work is going to propose as far as my raise .. once again, fingers crossed. X

I'm also moving out of my apartment at the end of this month. I get my deposit back in cash tomorrow, which is sweet.

I guess i'll be moving up to broad ripple - we'll see how that goes. I'm gonna miss this place.

I'll try to post some pictures of the times we've had around here - but until then .. just wish me luck.


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

best. mexican. food. ever.

Holy fucking shit.
Are you serious? I went to this place in the fucking GHETTO and I get this? There's a god damned salad on my plate. with onions. and dressing. .. yes, dressing.

They say you can judge a joint by its chimi. Well, in this case - good luck to all you other restaurants with making a plate of something which I wouldn't call pile of corn-wrapped afterbirth after I've chimigasmed at the mere thought of this fucking meal.

Meeting ...

i'm not really sure how that went. i was super strong and as prof. as i could be.

as i expected - nothing will be resolved immediately.

i told them to make an offer of what i asked for, or as close to it as possible by the end of the week.

their point is they are at the core a screenprint shop which is just now trying to grow into the ad agency realm - and its difficuly for their business to afford and budget in an asset such as myself because they don't reeeally need the big budget work every day all day - which is understandable.

however, they don't pay me per job - they pay for my skill set. so imho - if you want me - you have to pay me what i'm worth regardless.

i think i have outgrown this place ..

more on this later this week.


joelio's coming into town for a night and will be crashing at my house.
halo - madden - beer - etc.

lets try to not go getting arrested this time, motherfucker.

Meeting today

From my email:

"Aaron, Challen & Steve,
We need to discuss as a group what Aaron brought to my attention yesterday in regards to his compensation & overall position here at PDA. I will have an agenda for the meeting & will act as the mediator in the sense I will keep us on track and focused on what is best for the relationship between both parties going forward in the future.

Meeting will be at 3pm today in the SB Conference room."

Monday, August 11, 2008

this is totally ridiculous.


I just asked for a raise for the first time in the 4 years I've been with this company. I feel sick to my fucking stomach because I feel guilty for asking for more money - but for what I do .. I am GROSSLY underpaid.

I'm creative director - director of marketing - lead designer - production art staff manager - lead apparel designer - photography - web development - web application - web graphics application - animation - PR - sales - etc. The list goes on and on, and yet I'm not compensated properly for even ONE of those positions. They would have to hire at least 4-5 people to complete the workload I accomplish - none of which would take my salary for any one of these jobs.

Basically every pay check is a punch in the dick.

I'll know what's up by tomorrow.

X crossed fingers...

Friday, July 18, 2008

ALWAYS ... always wear underwear to work.

This girl asked to see my jump kick. Now might I say I have an INCREDIBLE jump kick - so I obliged. Ripped the crotch out of my jeans whilst commando. In the front office. In front of 4 girls. 3 of them fainted. The other was rushed to the hospital for a serious eye injury.

Here is the result:

Thursday, July 17, 2008

sorry - I had to post this.

So I was talking to my friend Alex today - he's in europe currently. We were catching up and this conversation came about:

I'll try to find a picture of him to post.

[7:35 PM] kingleper (Manus): it rains her constantly
[7:36 PM] kingleper (Manus): I just rode 36 miles in the rain
[7:36 PM] kingleper (Manus): from wageningen to here
[7:36 PM] os80iso (Aaron Hogan): rode?
[7:36 PM] kingleper (Manus): utrecht
[7:36 PM] kingleper (Manus): on a bike
[7:36 PM] os80iso (Aaron Hogan): 36 miles??
[7:36 PM] os80iso (Aaron Hogan): damn
[7:36 PM] kingleper (Manus): a 24" girls bike
[7:36 PM] kingleper (Manus): with "Flirt"
[7:36 PM] kingleper (Manus): on the side of it
[7:36 PM] kingleper (Manus): its Esthers from when she was 13, her grandparents loaned it to me
[7:37 PM] os80iso (Aaron Hogan): hahahahahaha
[7:37 PM] os80iso (Aaron Hogan): hahahahahahahahaahahahaa
[7:37 PM] os80iso (Aaron Hogan): no fucking way
[7:38 PM] kingleper (Manus): yes way
[7:38 PM] kingleper (Manus): oh wait
[7:39 PM] kingleper (Manus): did I mention it has 45 pounds of gear hooked to it with bungie cords?
[7:39 PM] kingleper (Manus): a sleeping bag and clothes on one side
[7:39 PM] kingleper (Manus): a backpack on top
[7:39 PM] kingleper (Manus): and a tent and sleeping roll on the other side
[7:39 PM] kingleper (Manus):
[7:39 PM] os80iso (Aaron Hogan): man you're fuckin doin it up
[7:39 PM] kingleper (Manus): oh yeha
[7:39 PM] kingleper (Manus): people look at me like I'm a vagrant
[7:40 PM] kingleper (Manus): I'm wearing nothing but second-hand clothes too
[7:40 PM] kingleper (Manus): I get these weird looks
[7:40 PM] kingleper (Manus): today I was in the grocery store
[7:40 PM] kingleper (Manus): buying my daily liter of milk
[7:40 PM] kingleper (Manus): and this lady read my shirt
[7:40 PM] os80iso (Aaron Hogan): hahahhaha
[7:40 PM] kingleper (Manus): which says "Homophobia, that's so gay"
[7:40 PM] os80iso (Aaron Hogan): hahahahahahahah
[7:40 PM] kingleper (Manus): and she gave me the most fucked up look
[7:41 PM] os80iso (Aaron Hogan): well, yeeahh?!??

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

My Feet Are Fucking Bleeding Like Jesus

Who would ever think that 2 1/2 hours of walking barefoot on concrete is a bad idea?

In my defense I'm not retarded. It's a long story and it wasn't my fault. Fuck you for judging me. I love you.

“People say graffiti is ugly, irresponsible and childish… but thats only if its done properly.”

Friday, July 11, 2008

Work ..

Will this ever be finished??

Monday, June 30, 2008

A Salute.

Friend - It's sad to see you go. Things def won't be the same around here without you. You've been my best friend - and a big brother for many years. Without your help, I wouldn't be here - or anywhere close.

But you continue to be an inspiration to me - Through your virtue and commitment to self. You are my idol bro. Love you. But not in the gay way .. because that would be gay.

Good luck - Fuckin' tear it up boy.
I'll miss you.

Plastic Horses, Velvet Indians and Tortuous Music

Well, after Saturday night's walking anachronism ala' Tommy Bahama, and my endeavours into the porn industry ... A road trip with someone special to me was warmly welcomed. I70 had no idea who it was fucking with. Btw .. apparently my iPod needs emotional counseling.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

i'm a joker - i'm a toker ' i'm a midnight .. oh fuck this

wow. so i got roped into seeing steve miller last night (ashley - thank you for the tickets). I'll just say this: Fly Like an Eagle - with a Rap Interlude. 5 minutes of RAP. Victor Wooten's brother: Not rhyming - rapping - like it was 1989.

fucking ridiculous.

So, to try to maintain our composure we did shots of jim beam black after EVERY solo. Every song had about 89 solos mind you ..

Tommy Bahama: please just stop.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

The "Itis"

god damn don't eat in the heat. i want to lay down and die.

Today will be crazy.

You already know. I'll tell you all about it later.

Free tickets to Joe Cocker & Steve Miller Band tonight .. yay : \